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Aug. 10, 2022

Season 4, Episode 5

Season 4, Episode 5

Gil and Eric discuss hot topics in one of our more controversial episodes.


Hello and welcome to the Q lounge, I'm Eric


and I'm Gil.


join us as we discuss news stories and life situations, as they relate to the LGBTQIA plus experience, please visit us at theQloungepodcast.com and hit that subscribe button or listen wherever you get your podcasts. If you would like to follow us on social media, you can hit us up on Facebook @theQloungepodcast or on Instagram or Twitter @theQlounge. Hello, welcome to the Q lounge. I'm Eric


and I'm Gil.


And thank you for joining us this week on another chill time in the Q lounge. How are you doing Gil? I am doing well staying nights and cool. It's starting to feel like summer-ish spring


64 64. Give or take it rained two days ago, by the way. Oh, nice. Yeah, it was nice. I did August that way. August.


I like that. That's cute. Yeah, I'm actually shocked that we are actually getting monsoons. I thought our monsoons hit a month early, cuz we had two weeks in June where it rained a lot and we're getting them now in July and the regular in August, regular monsoon season. I'm shocked. And I'm shocked that there haven't been any hurricanes in the Atlantic other than like the, a, that started seven months ago, but


it's been oddly calm. It has


been yeah. That's interesting. So I wanted to talk to you a little bit more about monkeypox, I'm sure this is gonna be a developing and ever turning story, and we're gonna be updating it frequently. So buckle up everybody, cuz we're gonna talk monkeypox again, I don't have a whole lot to go into though today. But I do know that New York and I believe cities in California have declared a state of emergency, correct. Because of the lack of response from the federal government on getting vaccines out, it. Two sequence vaccine. I don't know if we covered that in our last podcast, but it is a, I believe we did. Yeah. That part of it. Okay. Is a two sequence just to reiterate to everybody, it is not a gay disease.


One more time for the person in the back. It is


not a gay disease. It is also not an STI. Correct. So I just have to say that again, because people are still trying to spin it that way. There are women who have contracted it. There are children who have contract, who contracted it. I think we now have last, I heard five pediatric cases. So I'm, unless they are spending a lot of time with the Catholic priests, but I didn't say that.


Yeah, cuz I've had people like insiders inside of the hospital world, at least here in the bay area. And there's a lot of conflict happening again, where some are mentioning that who worked through the aids crisis originally back in the 1980s or saying some of that bad stigma is starting to come back again. Or they're starting to wanting to refuse service to Viga, to the gay community. And it's, like I said, I ha my family directly who work in the hospital is saying that, just be careful, but also just they're disgusted from what they're hearing out there, the way some of their coworkers are starting to treat it more, like I said, just like back in yield in days.


Yeah. When HIV aids was grid Yes. So yeah, it's crazy to me. I. We had moved on but I know we're still stuck in a lot of places and we're still stagnant in our progression. We talk about that a lot in this podcast, whether we say those words directly or not, but the evolution of dis of our knowledge of disease or our perception of our knowledge of disease is interesting to me because like you just said, people are starting to fall back on those attitudes, like they had during the eighties and nineties of the HIV aids crisis and trying to market that as a gay disease. And it's that in itself is not a gay disease. I think, and I think we've talked about this before, and I think this is worth mentioning again, cuz a lot of people like to go into the fact that gay men seem to be very promiscuous. And that's why there's a lot of skin to skin contact with four monkeypox and HIV transmission was a little, seemed to be a little bit more free in that population and everything. You also have to remember, as we age and as we start to say, fuck society, I'm going to be my authentic self and I'm going to come out and I'm going to be me. We never got those teenage years as our authentic self. We never got those growing pains, emotional growing pains of. This is who I am. I'm gonna be this person, or I accept who I am fully. This is me authentically. I'm going to live my life and be the teenager that I want to be and experience my life. We don't really get that I think the generation now probably does more so than we did, but I'm not a gen Z or so. I just know that they're very fluid in there an awesome generation, but we, it would be cool to get a gen Z around here to actually school us on that. If they still have a lot of those issues and hard times, but getting back to my point, we didn't have that. So when we actually come out or when we actually make that declaration, that society says we have to make. Yeah. And we've accepted ourselves. Now we have to experience life through that authentic lens and be like, okay let me see what this is about and let me see what this is about. So we're doing the stuff that teenagers that most people did as teenagers. Yeah. Just a little bit later on because we didn't get those experiences when we were younger. Correct. And also just point B slut. Shaming is tired and it's gross. So people just need to cut that out too. That was that's my 72 cents. actually, no, that's my 69 cents. There we go. Oh, your shirt says Jack and Bo Jack and Jones. I thought it said Jack and bones. So I was like, oh, that's appropriate too.


So but otherwise community, please stay safe. Everyone just needs to be safe.


stay safe. Stay conscious. Monkeypox is less transmissible than COVID is still a very real thing. So just be mindful, be safe, like you'll just said, take care of you and take care of your neighbor and those others. So in other L G B T Q news and Oklahoma city's first the headline is weird, but basically the first openly gay mayor of a city in Oklahoma has resigned. So I'm gonna read this. This is from WaPo. I'm gonna read it briefly. Okay. Adam Graham was the first openly gay leader of the village and he pledged to create a quote unquote welcoming city, less than two months into his tenure. He saw two police officers from the next city over the wealthiest in Oklahoma. Stopping a black driver in his middle class community for years, Graham said residents had told him about being racially profiled, especially when they passed through the mansion line streets of nickels Hills. What happened next? Fiercely divided this community of nearly 9,000 drawing scrutiny that felt humiliating to some and cathartic to others as simmering frustrations burst into the open oklahoma lost one of its six LGBTQ elected officials. When Graham announced this month, he was stepping down citing harassment in fear for his safety. So basically from what I've read he witnessed these cops harassing, or they had stopped a black driver and he intervened because. Racial profiling and how horribly black people are treated with when they're stopped by the cops and the cops did not take well to this. And they condemned him and launched a tirade and had all the oh blue lives matter crowd. Oh God, go after him and harass him and threaten him. And so he has stepped down because of his safety, when he was actually trying to be inclusive and make a peaceful non-threatening city or town for his constituents who were already feeling threatened and harassed


again, like with these police officers, Or the, people supposed upholding the law of the land it's they are on your dime. And yeah, this politician, elected by the people was scared out of office from people who are on our, on your tax money. They're paid by you who we don't. We didn't hire them, no pre agency to hires them. When going through on their own, academies or whatever you wanna call 'em at the time are the ones suddenly like being Moish about stuff. And they're not above the law. They're there to uphold the law. Not they are not the law. They are not above the law right. In their practices. And I don't know, it concerns me because I don't understand how they can know all the laws when. You would normally become like a lawyer someone who actually studies and you get your training in at six months for a police academy, there's no fucking way that you know them. I'm just saying just over a practicality side. There's no way, all of it. Yeah. I doubt it, but


I could be wrong. Yeah. I don't know. It's the systems fucked. It's very skewed one way, which we've talked about many times. And it doesn't look like it's getting any better. I think it can get better and it could get better. I still though we've talked about this too with politicians. It's that last power grab. I think that's what's going on now. And we're seeing that with the police as well. Speaking of elected officials, we're in primary season, so yes we


are everyone. Woo.


It's been a mixed bag as far as. Who's getting nominated for their parties. And who's not, there's not a as many progressives as I would hope there would be to get nominated and there's a lot of Trump supporters and election deniers that are getting voted through in their primaries. Now I granted I know that's, they're just the Republican primary and hopefully there's enough Democrats and even independents that will sway this way and even more moderate Reagan, which I that's sad when that is your bar


new base. That's a that's yeah, that's the new floor


When that, but even like Reagan based Republicans, that would actually vote more Democrat, cuz they're not as fringe as those other people. So hopefully they will they'll vote this way, but it's interesting to me that we're still like that divided. And those people are still winning like Carrie lake. I don't know if she actually won her primary yet in Arizona, but I think I heard that she was winning, but it was still a close call, but she's a Trump endorsed former news anchor who also used to be really good friends with this drag queen and has been to many drag shows. And now she's condemning drag Queens and she was called out by the drag community. And she was publicly dragged for it. And then also Kansas. Oh yes. I was shocked as hell for about Kansas, but I congratulate Kansas on a job well done in voting to keep women's rights. Because they were trying to, what was it vote? Yes. If you wanted to kick it back to the legislature so that they could change the laws and everything else. Cause then it's a Republican held legislature or vote. No, which would mean no, we're keeping our Kansas constitution as it is, which says women have the rights to their own bodies. Correct. And they voted to keep women's rights. So thank you, Kansas. You did well in this round and you have become a safe Haven state for women, especially in all those areas around you, because we know none of them are. And to the point where like Oklahoma is getting ready to I think they actually just pass like a super restrictive abortion bill. And they're stating that because reservations are sovereign nations. But now they're saying that they cannot put women's, they can't put abortion clinics on the reservations for women to access healthcare. Oh. Because the state is now gonna go after them. If they do that, even though they are not really supposed to. And they, you can't really get the national guard involved because the state employs them. So the only way the federal government can really get involved is if they deploy the military and then you have a civil war, internal war. we'll see how that plays out. I know the DOJ is well, they're subpoenaing a bunch of other people from January 6th, but I'm not gonna touch on that in this episode is suing Idaho. Because of their abortion laws and they're saying they're too restrictive and they are not putting the health of the mother. And it's, I think it's because of the wording of the bill. I don't have the bill in front of me, so I can't give you what their wording is right now, but they're suing Idaho because of the restrictions and the way their wording is in their new anti-abortion anti-woman law. Yeah. And Georgia is now saying that the quote unquote, unborn child now counts as a dependent on your taxes after six weeks. So pregnant residents will qualify for $3,000 of state tax in state tax deductions.


Oh, this is interesting.


So I wonder if that means that pregnant women can drive in the HOV in Georgia.


I'm curious. I am very curious on this one. Yeah. This is what they wanted. This is what they wanted. This is what they wanted. You're gonna get the absurdities where stuff like that, where it's obviously it is thought yeah. A child, but if they wanna go to that route, then let's go, just push it, yeah. Like I said, it's after six weeks,


right? Yeah. I don't know it's I don't know how I feel about that cuz I, yeah, I don't know. But I know they're basically saying yeah, we'll give you this, cuz we're gonna say that you have to, we're gonna force you to carry a child. So at least, I guess they're being hypocritical and stupid all the way through. Yeah. It's




it's Georgia.


Wow. It's unfortunate. I don't know. I just, I find it to be very, it's an interesting convers, it's an interesting conversation, cuz to me, I feel like I would just push the but and where does that life begin? If that's what they keep questioning and just make it so stupidly absurd.


It's also interesting too. And you talked about this in the last podcast about picking and choosing that's what it is. Yeah. And it's literally what it is. Cause when you read their book of mythology and fable, it says life begins at the first breath. It doesn't say life begins when the tab pull, enters the sphere. Correct.


Okay. That's not what it was. It's and that's why I think, like I said, at one point, are we gonna be like, this is just absurd. Come on now. And like I said, these are politicians voting on something that they are not that's. This is not their specialty. These aren't doctors voting on this. Yeah. I'm. The scientific community is confirmed that's not where life would technically begin yet. These politicians are saying that this is when it begins according to their Bible. But according to the Bible, it says a completely different thing. So it's what is it? Yeah. It's just control. That's what we're going back to and you also go ahead. No, it just, that's what it comes down to. And


you also have SCOTUS. Now this isn't the modern, this isn't the modern day SCOTUS, but the SCOTUS ruling is a fetus is viable after 27 weeks before then it cannot live on its own. There's no chance it's living on its own based on scientific data. That's what's going on with that. The next topic I wanted to discuss is actually probably gonna get us in a lot of trouble. We're probably gonna get dragged for this. Oh so just to warn, it's a matter of when. Yeah. Just to warn everybody, we're gonna get in trouble for this. This is probably gonna be our most controversial episode because of our next topic. So hold on everybody. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but we're gonna have fun doing it.


If you loved us, just press pause now. You're good. Good.


there's no turning back now. I guess you could, I guess you could press pause or turn us off. we're far enough into the podcast that we got the download count, so it doesn't really matter. You can turn us off. So Beyonce just released her new album Renaissance or Renaissance. Oh,


Renaissance. Yes, please do tell.


So it's, I'll applaud her for releasing her seventh studio album and it was supposed to be like an homage to her gay uncle and to the QIA a community that's all well and good. I really wanted to like her I really want to like Beyonce. I just don't. I do what I do. I know I'm already, I already have like B stings on my arms right now. I want to like her, I do like her new song. And someone told me the other day oh, I know why you like this song. It's very like nineties EDM. And I'm like, it's, verys 90 nineties EDM it's Robin esses. Show me love. That's basically what it is. And we'll get into more detail in that in a few minutes, but I want to like her, I like some of her music, mainly all the, mainly most of the music I like from her is off of her first album. And I think there's one or two other songs from other albums. And I really do like her as like a guest artist or a featured artist. Like I really like her when her and 50 cent did the, in the club remix. And I liked her with Jay-Z on Bonnie and Clyde and I like her with I guess Shakira was featured on that for a beautiful liar, but that's also like first album. And then I really liked her. I like her on Megan, the stallion's Savage remix. Okay. Okay. I think that's a great remix. I love the line. If you don't gotta jump to put jeans on you don't feel my pain. Like I totally am like right there with that lyric. That is an amazing lyric to me. I just don't really like her and her music does nothing for me. I think a lot of it is because I've heard all of her music before, so let us go through some stuff. So this is off of Beyonce's new album. She is, she uses a lot of other artists work and samples. And she's done that through most of her career. And I don't know why she doesn't get called out for it. Other than on our podcast. I think we did that once or twice. Yes. But let's start with I'm that girl that's the album's opening track. It contains parts of Tommy Wright, the thirds and S and princess LO's 1994 track still pimp in cozy, which is the second song The song is the song. Most prominently features the voice of actor and entertainer, Ts Madison from her YouTube video bitch I'm black which she shared in the wake of the George Floyd murder. So that samples, it also contains a sample of Liddell tan. Town cell and MTFs, 1992 song get with you alien superstar. I don't know if you've heard this song or not. I have, it is not literally right. Said Fred's, I'm too sexy, which is like an iconic song. It's a one hit wonder song, but it is very much an iconic song. It also samples Drake and Fu futures, 2021 single way too sexy, which samples right. Said Freds I'm too sexy. So basically it sample it is right. It is right. Said Fred song. Yes. Let's see. It also has samples from moon Raker and Dan dances unique cuff it. Tina Maries, ULA.


Oh, I love Tina Marie. It's


a great song. Break my soul. Like I said earlier, Robin ESS show me love. Like it's literally that song


and this is nineties house in the back of the day. yes.


And big Frida song explode church girl has a sample of the Clark sisters, specifically their 1981 songs center of th will it also contains bits and pieces of DJ Jimmy's where they at Lynn Collins. Think about it. And the show boys drag wrap America has a problem contains kilo Ali's 1990 song cocaine. pure, honey. I know this is a long list. Mike, I'm


still reading. We're still on the same album.


Okay. Pure honey. Is it's so it's a tribute to the ballroom, which everyone knows I'm a huge fan of ballroom the song famously features Mo Renee's beloved track. Miss honey, in addition to the track also samples Kevin A's club track Cunty, as well as feels like from ballroom icons. Mike cue in Kevin Jay-Z prodigy summer Renaissance samples. I feel love by Donna summer. And we all know that naughty girl from her first album sampled loved to love you by Donna summer. So she loves her some Donna summer. I, so I think big choice though, David is Donna summer. Yeah. Donna summer is awesome. I think Donna summer also is a highly underappreciated vocalist. I think people think of her as just oh, she was a disco queen, but when you listen, that woman could sing yes. Yeah. Donna summer is highly underappreciated when it comes to her musicality, her music ability and her vocal ability. I agree. That's my opinion. But in your opinion,


apparently, so I know I love being some Donna Summers I'm like,


so I wanna go back to the song energy cuz that's the one that got a lot of press so it has a song from Kelis and if you don't know. The beef that's going on, you can find it all over TikTok and Twitter and Instagram and all this other stuff. But basically Kelis was calling out Beyonce for using her song without letting her know. So there's some like gray area in this. And so I wanna dissect it a little bit. And get your opinion on it. Now, when I first heard about it, I thought it was just like a random Kelis track that she sampled, but no, she literally sampled milkshake.




biggest one of like the biggest, that song's not even just like Kelis' biggest song. It is I don't remember what year it came out, like early two thousands. It was early 2000,


probably 2004. I would say


two, three, somewhere in there, Uhhuh. That song was probably like the song of the year. Like at least it was probably the most plate song of the year. Like they still play that song to this day. This song is still used. We always talk about how our milkshakes bring the voice to the yard or how my milkshakes scare the voice out of my yard, but still


August 25th, 2003. Okay. Yep. we're almost on 20 years.


Yeah. Oh my God. I know.


I know.


so here's the thing with this. So Kelis called out Beyonce for not notifying her that she used her song and literally like the song. Milkshake is just a huge song. Yeah. Yeah. You can't escape that song.


It was in movies. Yeah. It's still in movies. It's



commercials now, too. Yeah. She was hurt because Beyonce didn't reach out to her, correct. Especially like being a woman and being a quote, unquote, feminist and all about women empowerment and lifting up other women. We should respect women. We should chat, talk amongst women. We should be able to say, Hey, we're, I'm using your song. Now here's the thing I GU Kelis was never really mad at Beyonce per se. She was mad at the fact that it was used without her knowledge, but Kelis is not featured as a writer on the song. Yes. So she does not own her masters. No, she does not most artists from the nineties and early two thousands. Do not own their masters. Most up and coming artists in general get really shitty contracts. Yeah. And that's what happened here as she explained it, like this was her song. Correct. But her record producer Pharrell basically, it was supposed to be him and I forgot his friend's name, but the Neptunes Chad Hugo were supposed to, it was supposed to be like a 3, 3, 3, like a triple division, 33% or 33.3, 3, 3, 3 with the bar percent to each person. She never got any of it. She was taken off the credits now, I guess on the album, it did say this written by the Neptunes. And I guess it at one, it did say that. Performed by KISE it


was performed. Yeah. Performed by KISE. Yeah, I


think that was on her record notes, but the thing is that, I guess Pharrell Williams actually literally just hijacked her song. Yeah. And her first two albums in general and that's where she was coming from and saying, okay, you know how hard it is for women in the music business, and the fact that I was screwed over, you could have at least reached out to me and been like, Hey, I'm using your song. Yeah. And everything's cool. Calise, isn't getting any compensation. She's not asking for any compensation, but it left. It made me lose a lot of respect for Pharrell Williams. Cause I've always liked him. And knowing that he's also screwing art, he was screwing artists, especially since he literally just did a speech about artists' rights. Correct. And yet he is.


City who we pick complete opposite. Yeah. Or that's how he built his empire. Yeah. Off of


screwing people. Yeah. So it's, it was really disheartening for me. And then I just learned this too. He's cousins with Timbaland. I did not. Oh, really? My mind was blown when I found that out, I was like, wow. Okay. Like every famous person just has a relative. That's also a famous person. Like that pool is real small. It's all a family affair. Yeah. So I thought that was really interesting. Timbaland, I he's done some great stuff. He's also done some kind of shady and crappy stuff too, but we're, I'm not gonna get into that. I'm just mainly thinking of a Britney spear situation. So what is your opinion on. What is your opinion on Beyonce sampling? I want to go into some history of her sampling slash ripping people off, but we'll do that in a little bit. I wanna get your opinion on the sampling. I wanna get your opinion on this Kelis situation. And I will say, I guess she has now taken that interpolation off of her song energy as it pertains to title and apple music. Yeah. But the lyrics video, which was already released still has it. So what's your opinion.


See, and that was, I was curious about that because she, Beyonce is oh my God, I'm so sorry. I need to that word was offensive, but didn't we literally have Lizzo. Oh, we haven't


even gotten into that yet.


Oh, that song. Oh, sorry. I thought we already jump to that song. I was like, I thought we, no,


No. We haven't even gotten there yet, but I wanted to get your opinion on Kelis, the Kelis situation and her sampling, but we can go into that work. Yeah. We can go into that since you brought it up with Kelly,


With her it's even though the person did not write it. I think she did.


I still think I think she actually did write it though. She was just push on the credits.


I still feel that as a courtesy from an artist to an artist you would give their, that person a, that if that heads up kind of thing. Hey, by the way, I'm just gonna let you know we're gonna be using X, Y, Z. It doesn't hurt. Yeah. Like I said somebody's gonna pay for the, or gonna obtain the royalties anyways, or, they're gonna get the money from the sampling. The whole damn album is one gigantic covers album. just renamed the songs. I let's call it what it is


that covers album. That's amazing.


It's a covers album. That's what it, don't give as an, a Lenox fan, we have Medusa and nostalgia. They are both known cover albums. She's remade obvious songs from other artists and her interpretation, but she kept it to the way it was versus this is just like I said, you're grabbing great songs and I'm gonna retwe the whole day out thing and call it new


a cover album. I'm so recovering from that. That's so good. There we go.


That, but that was my interpretation when I was like, okay you copied one beat from one artist. Oh, here's a second track. But when you have eight tracks,


I was more than that. It was more than that. Okay.


So an entire album of ever, everyone else's rhythm or everyone else's lyrical job. And then you're adding your own let be add, another course here and maybe speed up the beat a little here. I'm personally, just not the biggest fan.


That's 10, at least 10.


10. Okay. Yeah. No, I don't know. Not a,


and I know it sounds like we're coming really down hard on her. I know other artists sample too, but not to this degree. I don't think it's literally just the song, but she changed the words,


but granted oh, as a Dupas album, her most recent album, I liked it. Yes. There were samples from like INX and some other artists on there. And you could tell some of her, oh, she got this rhythm from this artist, from that one. Yeah. But it wasn't as blatant. I guess if you wanna say it as this album, right off the bad Beyonce. Oh my God. This album got prematurely, leaked bullshit. This is Beyonce. Nothing's got prematurely. leaked. Yeah. Let's, that's all a political stunt. We know


that I will say, I guess in her defense, I don't know if it's really in her defense. Diddy made a whole empire of like full on sampling other people's music too, and just putting absolutely.


And I know I've heard, I've read articles where it's sampling, especially within communities, it's cuz of what they could afford from a, they didn't have instruments or certain things and you had to make, do with what you got thing. And yes, that is true. But this is a multimillion dollar artist. Yeah. With the means. Yeah. I'm just saying I don't know, or especially suddenly where it's oh my God, this is dedicated to my, my gay uncle, my favorite gay uncle. I'm 15 albums, deep into the situation. here's to the gay community now. Or like suddenly she's, oh my God, she's here for minority rights, 12 albums in suddenly she cares. I don't know. I just don't find her as the biggest advocate. I could be wrong. Like I said, I, but I remember her with destiny child when destiny child had four people in the group, don't forget.


Yeah. I don't the original four and then the original, and then it had the secondary four Uhhuh. Then it had the three,


then it had the three for Michelle former Michelle. But like I said,


we, Michelle is a highly underrated vocalist too. Yes, she is. Go ahead. She is, go ahead.


Sorry. I didn't mean up in your thought Beyonce's. No, you're good. But it's Beyonce's been in the mainstream with us at our generation since the mid nineties. Yeah. Like I said, it just, I find it very, I don't know, just peculiar with it. And people are shocked about is it's just, it's a covers album. That's what it is. I


love that. That's what it is. So let's go ahead and talk about the word situation. So she referenced a word, she used a word that references to like uncontrollable body movements. That is a slurish word. Yes. And as you mentioned, we literally just had the situation with Lizzo, like a month ago. Yeah. And Lizzo had to re had to edit that word out of her album and now we have it in this album. Yeah, it's a very Ables word, Uhhuh So I don't know. What did you think about? I don't know if I know she edited. She took the word out. Yes, she did.


So she's supposed to rerecord, huh? This I believe she's supposed to rerecord the track or she's already done it. Okay. Yeah.


I thought she just had them take, use technology and take the word out. I don't know though.


Or use somebody else's sample to plug up the word


she could. Yeah. Use someone else's sample. Yeah. So because she took out that word do you remember the song partition?




driver, roll up the partition please. Okay. I didn't do that song justice, even though it's a terrible song, I still made it even worse. So she has a lyric in there or a line in there where she says he Monica Lewinski on my gown. Oh, meaning he came on my gown. Yes. But see, the thing is Monica Lewinski did not come on her own gown. Bill Clinton came on her gown. So it should have been he bill Clinton on my gown. Correct. But it wasn't, it was Monica Lewinski. So Monica Lewinski since she took out the, since Beyonce took out that other word from her other song, because it was problematic. Yes, Monica Lewinsky said so while we're at it, hashtag partition. Yeah. And so now the beehive was going after Monica Lewinsky and oh, that song is nine years old. Get over yourself. You are this, that, and every other name in the book that we can call you to de degrade you, to dehumanize you, to shame you, which is, as we said, at the beginning of this podcast, SLU, shaming is gross and tired already. And Monica Lewinsky honestly was a victim of this powerful man who took advantage of her and her situation and her like idolization, I don't know if she really idolized, but of him and the power that he had. Clinton was very Weinstein just saying. Yes. So what do you think about that


first off with her base? It's unproductive as I think I, you and I have discussed flying like off, off air. They're very, it's just, they're toxic. The group is very toxic because it's oh my God, how dare you insult my artist? Therefore it must be attack on, the entire community off with your head at all costs. Unlike other bands like BTS for instance, where their, base was able to help


my mom army,


They, they help troll, they do things for good. So they're like trolling the Republican party. They were, fucking around with Trump and they were just doing something productive versus they always think I hear about the beehive is they go after


people. Yeah. They went after Sanaa Lathem too. What was it? The BTS also the army, just speaking on BTS really quickly. And that cuz he brought them up in the army. They will actually like raise money and we're talking millions of dollars, correct? For like advocacy groups for healthcare groups, for child poverty for different Issues that are happening internationally. You have a lot of doctors and lawyers that are part of the army and they have now set up tutoring for people who are going to school for those specific subjects and helping a medical student study for their MCATs and everything else. Like they have this whole network of army as Yeah. And they do a lot of good, they will come after you and they will drag the hell outta you. Correct. But they also do a lot of good. I haven't seen the beehive do anything other than drag. It could be because I don't really like her. And I'm constantly being stung like every second of every day. Like I think they have a poster of me as like one of the most wanted and hated people in their hive.


but it, and that's the thing it's you just gotta, I don't know, there blissfully unaware that there are people. A lot of us who don't care for her, we, and she just doesn't resonate. And that's okay. It's


like the Beygency, I if you haven't seen the go to YouTube and click in agency, B E Y G E and C Y SNL, and you'll


get it. Oh, it's wonderful. It's wonderful. And we're gonna be there. I'm very sure like I said you're Han I'm Annie fan, and you're gonna have people who don't care for our artists, which is very unfortunate. But at the same time, we're not wasting precious daylight or try to go drag people left or right. That's just pointless. Yeah. It doesn't do you any good while they are wrong, they are very wrong and still. But, like I said, it's just, it's always gonna be subjective, just like us, where I don't care for Beyonce's music, the album to be, when I heard about, I was like, wow, this whole thing is just a one great sample of everyone's work. Great job. It's the greatest hits.


it's the greatest hits of other people's hits works. Great job. I heard the album and I could groove to the album, but it's like nineties early 2000 EDM, literally like house music from the nineties and two thousands. And I could also just very much go listen to a techno album from that same time. And. Huh?


I was gonna say could just listen to the original songs.


Yeah. Listen to the originals and be like, yeah, this takes me back to my clubbing days. I have to, since you did bring up Janet, oh, we're gonna just take a small little detour. I can relay a little bit, I remember one time some beehives were trying to drag Janet and say that she was not iconic, like Beyonce and that yeah. I know that she was not iconic, like Beyonce and she didn't have any single song that stood out like Beyonce dads. And I'm like


sorry. I wish they could see our


reactions. Yeah, I know. And I'm like sorry. Do we not quote it's Janet, Ms. Jackson, if you're nasty, like rhythm nation. Come on now. Are you kidding me? Yeah. Control. What have you done for me lately?




wow. Yeah, I know. I was like stunned when I read that.


Okay. So this is just what I'm thinking. And this is just like I said, this is just my interpretation. And I'm


gonna really quickly maybe just say this, go ahead. I do not blame Beyonce for that attitude of her fans. She doesn't quiet them down or correct them, but I don't blame her for their ignorance on that comment. Go ahead. I


was gonna say the ignorance, I think really comes to, and somebody had to shed some light to me about this one. Cause I just, I never understood what I'm having as much as I love gen Z for the politicalness, when it comes to music taste or anything before 2005 they're oblivious and had to think about it from the point of you and I are from the generation where we had to listen to the radio, we had to listen to our parents' music. There was no skipping songs. So you're in cassette players, you're using, it


was a, you wanted to record a song you had to like, hold your cassette player up to this area. Yes. And hope they didn't do the little tagline at the end of what radio station and who the artist was. Go ahead.


Remember that we had to do all of that. There was so much work or God forbid, if you didn't know the song, an artist I didn't know who, who sang sweet Dreams, but then I was a 10 year old kid trying to figure the fuck who she was, ask everyone But from the newer generation, the ones who grew up with nothing but streaming, everything, the algorithms are to their liking, if everything is so catered to their likes. So if they like one song, then it's here's 14, similar songs, but it narrows your view of what is available. Like what else is out there? What, making your music market eclectic. It's just everything that is. If I like rock, it's all rock and that's everything they knew, but it's within a certain, if they like the button or if they listen or click onto the album, that it, so it gives, 'em a very narrow scope. If you will, even though they have literally the entire music, booklet for the entire planet, in their fingerprints, in their, the Palm of their hands. They only know what's in front of them because that's the way the algorithms have forced them to be. It's just like their news are just like their fashion stuff like that. They wouldn't know, ABBA blowing up in TikTok. ABBA been announced. It's the mid seventies. And then they always go in big waves and they're like, oh my God, are they new? Or just like when Missy Elliot was on the super bowl, same exact same situ. Oh, I know. And the,


oh, Katie Perry brought out this chick named Missy Elliot. Have you ever heard of her before? Like really fucking kidding. Be Katie Perry is around because of people like Missy Elliot.


Correct. All the and I think that's what is because of the whole generation. I blame their parents partially because they should have forced the kids to listen to it. It's just to keep everything going. Yeah. But at the same time, they are a product of their generation. As like I said, I love them. Politically voting comes to music. It's they're stupid as hell. They don't know. And to them, it's, like artists that came out in the mid two thousands or having their height of the career. So they're thinking obviously Beyonce is God's gift to the planet because that's all they know. They didn't know of her being influenced by a Janet Jackson. Yeah. They had no idea, even though Janet's career got screwed from Justin, let's call it what it is. Yes. And get it blackmailed. But they were too young to remember that was like a, unfortunately at the end. So they don't know, the kids don't know any damn better or was just like, when artists were calling up, remember Gaga in the beginning. Oh, you're just like Madonna But that was us calling them out versus the generation of her time. Yeah. The monster fans were just like, what are you sure?


She's original. Yeah. She's no one's ever done this before. You're like, literally this is Madonna's playbook.


Yes. You love shock them. Huh? I do love me some lady Gog though.


Oh, I do. I love me some G guy too. Yeah.


Geez. But it's the same thing. Fantastic. Yeah. It's very unfortunate. Like today, for instance, I was getting my haircut done cuz I needed my hair. My hair was growing out like a, it grows very quickly. I'm sitting there getting my haircut, look to my left and cuz the lady always placed music videos, Lauren behold, I was like, it's a matter of when cuz it was an eighties playlist rith mixed sweet dreams comes on. Oh nice. And he's red propped hair, from 1983 and all these young kids near me sitting down, looking shocked as all hell looking at that video. And I kept looking at them, looking at the walk, their eyes were glued the video it's cuz they'd never seen it. And they were just so like almost that same reaction I had as a kid, seeing this woman in a suit red hair


The androgyny of Annie Lennox is iconic and legendary.


But they didn't look like they ever saw it in their life. Yeah. They had that dumbfounded. What the fuck? Oh my God. And they're probably thinking it was lady Gaga from the Grammy awards. sorry. I, so petty about that. great song that she did, but yeah, that look was already done, 25 years prior. true. True. Yeah. But I think that's where it is. I think I'm trying to be nice right now giving


them some. No, I think that's good. I think that's very valid in what you're saying. I think we're trying to be somewhat diplomatic and not completely drag a person. I don't know, are we,


What, I'm trying to be beneficial to the, to their base, to the base. Okay. I try to be objective. I don't care for Beyonce. Like I said, it's, I don't care for her music. It doesn't resonate for me. She has maybe here and there a few club bangers for me that I like Uhhuh. I like artists, I like danceable songs. I've always, yeah, I'm not completely alternative rock or India. And my email back in early two thousands, I do like dance. But her music to me, just very corporate, it's okay, she's just trying to throw a song out there. Okay. We, okay. We've heard this before corporate. Yeah. I there's nothing original. Sorry. It's not original to me. I like songs, like I, I knows


corporate artists who release a cover album. That's amazing. Okay. Go ahead. They're all gonna be


slogans on


t-shirts. that would be good. We could do that. We could definitely make that a Q lounge t-shirt and be like corporate artists releasing the cover album, the Q lounge.com.


I just, I don't find her stuff in powerful or I just, I don't see it. I don't


find it very memorable either. And. It's funny to me how she gets all these accolades for oh my God, this album was so amazing. This song was so amazing or these songs were amazing and this was great. Like she literally had 732 producers on one song and 6,322 on one album. And I don't know what, 1500 different writers on a song,


correct? It doesn't. I don't know. Does it take, I


don't five writers? I




I guess


I don't get it. I just, I don't know. I don't, I really don't know with this one. Yeah. Like I said, I did, I was hoping for the best. Ow.


I just got bit by OB. I just got stung by OB. Sorry.


You actually startled me for a second. I was like, oh shit, what's happening. no, sorry.


I'm just kidding. You guys. I did not get stung by a V as of yet as of yeah. Trust once this is they, I probably will get stung by bees tomorrow, but definitely once this episode drops,


I know just you watch my Twitter's gonna be all, for my followers gonna be disowned me real quick.


yeah, I'm sure our Q lounge podcast, Twitter will be drafted. They


can roasted for this shit, but call it what it is. It, if it was like, oh, this is a cover album. This is me just sampling other people's art. This is my interpretation of their beat. this is what I want to do with it. This is how I took it. Awesome. That would be


kinda cool. This fantastic. I would really respect that. Like just not even for her to do that, but if any artist was like, Hey, I'm gonna do an album of beats that I really appreciate from other artists and put my take and twist on it. That would be really dope, actually.


Actually, that would be awesome. I would love for someone to do that. Yeah. Versus trying to, like I said, it's like bottling water and trying to call it something different. if I don't know, it's don't get me wrong. One of my favorite songs is that I, I like from the nineties, it's called your woman from white town. That the rhythm of it is a remake. I know that I liked the Fon early two thousands. One more time that they sampled half that damn, the, yeah, eat compressed it SP it up a little bit, stuff like that. Yeah. And I get it, but like I said, it's difference when you become. Whole album that you're trying to pawn off as something.


Yeah, no, I get it. Cause even speaking, Janet Jackson sample America by or adventure highway by America for her song, someone to paw my lover and she, I mean she sampled Diana Ross's love child for if,


oh, I love if


so if's a great song also really quickly on the Janet tip. Janet Jackson was just voted as the sexiest singer alive. Again, she was voted again at the age of 56. She has been dubbed quote, the sexiest singer alive by glamor magazine. And it's August, 2022 issue. That's coming out this week. So I just had to throw that in there.




when I would


go straight for Janet. What's Janet. She's gorgeous. Holy shit. If we ate that will


right. Damn.


Oh my God. No, she's always been gorgeous. Like it's Janet. God damn. I was gonna say what room are you and I, it was a 2005, I think now it's no. We met in oh 6 0 7. Go to oh seven. Thinking of Madonna's album hung up and you and I loved, but it's a great sample of a redo of a yeah. From ABA. Yeah. That song of course is blowing up again. on TikTok.


Who is this ABA group? Yeah. What this a B group. Who is this? the American board of what? I'm kidding.


yeah. I think the good challenge for Beyonce one day is to completely just her, the album completely unique songs and just see what happens. Let's get a completely dub, like a acoustic version of something. It would, it


would do very well because her fan base would just eat it up. I guess she has a song called seven 11, that one of my coworkers showed me the other day. And it was like one of her top selling songs apparently. And like the video was literally her in a hotel twerking and acting the full, which fine it's whatever it was, like shot on an iPhone. And people just oh my God, this is the greatest thing that's ever happened. Her fan base would eat it up. I will say this, and this is a nod to her. I saw her and this was years ago. Like I wanna say this was probably like dangerously in love. Years ago, like first album, maybe second album, but like first album, I think. And I do have some of her music on my playlist, so I'm not gonna say that I don't. But she was singing at like this children's library or like she came in and something where they were like reading and singing and she sang with them. And literally, I think there was someone with just a acoustic guitar and she sang and she sounded, I'm not a fan of her voice per se in general, but she sounded literally just like her album it was like her album voice, but it was her actually her live voice. So I will give her props on the fact that unless she really wants the producers and editors to like auto tune and like fuck up her voice and do all kinds of weird gymnastics with her voice. Her voice is very solid and it literally translates live to album like seamlessly. And it sounds like identical. Yeah.


She, so notes are being held when she sings.


Yeah, she can do runs. She can scream.


Yeah. She could do that. She's still the number one dancer dancing artist. Correct? Ever.


you're trying to get me to throw some as of shade. Aren't you


I'm just saying like single ladies redefined dancing. It's like the greatest dancing music video ever. Single ladies.


Single ladies is all of, is stolen from Gwen of her Dawn, who is Bob foe's wife and Mexican breakfast come on now. Yeah. Go look up Mexican breakfast, single ladies on YouTube. And you will see it is literally the same choreography, but Bob Fay's wife and her friends did it better. There's a lot. I can drag Beyonce on. I'm not going to, I think I've done it a lot already in the past. I think we did it on another episode where we talked about other artists that she's stolen from, we could remind people, but I don't know if it's really worth it.


No, we have a whole album of evidence right now. We just let it keep playing and play


it. That's we have that too.


yeah, just a friendly reminder. but it's not, to be fair, especially, and this is what I was Chris and I were talking about this. Cause I started bitching about this sometime or late last year. Was that a lot of songs recently that have been coming out from various mainstream artists, they have all been sounding like some form or another of an older song. Yeah. It's been it's different. It's almost to the point of, I feel like, or at the. It would be vanilla ice ripping off David Bowey queen. Trying to pass it off as a route. Yeah. And that's what I feel like we're at or a lot of oh my God, this is completely different. Now it's not the original, this is completely unique. Or they sound rhythmically damn near.


Yeah. Like I know you're not a huge fan of hers. I am, but like Ariana Grande her song, seven rings. Total sample of Roger and hammer signs. My favorite things, they wanted that sample Roger and Hammerstein, or or not them per the people who own their estate and the rights to all their catalog or cool. If she wants it, she's going to pay us for it. And they're like, we want. Like literally was like, we want 50%, which is unheard of. Yeah. Like they wanted this obscene amount and she was like, okay, cool. it is like one of her highest selling songs. Yeah. It's a great little Bob and yeah, they got paid for it. They make bank on it, cuz it's such a highly played song. She doesn't make that much money off the song. Here's the thing with artists and we're talking about Kelis earlier with Pharrell and all this other stuff, they get like 3 cents, like to the dollar, damn like they make no money off their albums. If you watch the TLC documentary and they're like, this is how the be TLC was the best selling female artist or female group of all time. Not Destiny's child. TLC literally is that group Lisa. Lopez left eye rest. Her soul did a whole breakdown of like how you can have the most successful female group of all time. And they all had to file bankruptcy. Yeah. Cause literally you get, I, my figures could be a little off. It may not be three. I think it is 3 cents to the dollar though. And then you split that amongst you divide that amongst three people, they're basically getting a cent. Maybe they're getting 3 cents each and maybe it's nine points. And so maybe they're getting 3 cents each, but still, it's really not a lot of money. Music musicians really. They make way more money than you and I do. Yeah. But they get their money. Not necessarily from their albums and from their record contracts per se. Until once they make it, they can definitely demand those profits, but they get it from a lot of their. Endorsements in their campaigns. And because they are seen out there companies start saying, oh, we want you for this. We want you for this. And that's where their money, a big bulk of their money comes from. And then also from touring on merch and all that other stuff. Yeah,


that's just crazy.


So weird. I know I'm probably cuz I check I'm the one who checks the Twitter. We're probably gonna get a lot outta hate for this episode, but


it had to be said it had to be stated and


Hey, like it's also interesting too. Like we are two gay guys who do not really care for Beyonce. How often does that happen? in this room right here. Yep. It's a hundred percent of the people who do not care for Beyonce. You would never see that in a gay space.


Oh God. No. I've said that before openly. Oh my God. I've got into cold shoulders and everything.


Oh yeah, me too.


Yeah, but it's okay. Like I said, we're all tied into an opinion. This is our opinion. Dammit. It's our podcast. true. True.


Gil, it was fun. Catching up with you. It was fun. Chatting with you as always


like boys. It was great.


thank you everyone for listening to us. And we will be around next time until then peace out. Yo.


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